Import data into an internal table from Excel or CSV file with mapping and error handling
ZCL_EUI_FILE_IO examples
" Load from Excel
DATA(lo_file_io) = NEW zcl_eui_file_io(
iv_file_name = zcl_eui_file=>mc_extension-xlsx
" Screen title ( for SHOW method)
iv_status_title = `Uploaded data` ).
" Showing Open Dialog (method of ZCL_EUI_FILE)
iv_window_title = `Please specify file to import.` ).
" Flight data
DATA(lt_import) = VALUE spfli_tab( ).
" Load all fields of SPFLI, without error checking
ir_table = REF #( lt_import )
iv_row_from = 2 " From the second line
" If the user confirmed the data in a new screen
CHECK lo_file_io->popup( )->show( ) = 'OK'.
" Flight data
DATA(lt_import) = VALUE spfli_tab( ).
" From CSV
DATA(lo_file_io) = NEW zcl_eui_file_io(
iv_file_name = zcl_eui_file=>mc_extension-csv ).
" File as a string
iv_string = lv_csv_data
" By default UTF-8
iv_encoding = zcl_eui_conv=>mc_encoding-utf_16le ).
" Specify the mapping of the required fields. Others will be ignored
DATA(lt_mapping) = VALUE zcl_eui_file_io=>tt_excel_map(
" For Excel is more convenient column_name = 'B', 'C', 'D'
( field = 'CARRID' column_index = 2 )
( field = 'CONNID' column_index = 3 )
( field = 'COUNTRYFR' column_index = 4 )
" You can specify by calling them in EXPORT_TO_ITAB_CSV( )
ir_table = REF #( lt_import )
it_excel_map = REF #( lt_mapping )
* iv_row_from = 1 " From the first line
" If the file contains data
" Data Import Error Handler (-> EXPORT_TO_ITAB)
on_mapping_error FOR EVENT mapping_error OF zcl_eui_file_io
iv_source " Original text
iv_row " Line number
is_excel_map " Mapping field
io_error " CX_* exception
cv_value " Value to change cv_value->*
cs_row. " Import table row
" Load from Excel
DATA(lo_file_io) = NEW zcl_eui_file_io( ).
" File from a network folder
lo_file_io->import_from_file( iv_full_path = `I:\$secret\2020-06-27.xlsx` ).
" Specify the mapping of the required fields. Others will be ignored
DATA(lt_mapping) = VALUE zcl_eui_file_io=>tt_excel_map(
( field = 'CARRID' column_name = 'B' )
( field = 'CONNID' column_name = 'C' )
" Importing data
ir_table = REF #( lt_import )
" If there is no mapping, load all the fields
it_excel_map = REF #( lt_mapping )
" If there is no exception handler
io_handler = me
METHOD on_mapping_error.
" Default value in case of error
IF is_excel_map-field = 'DISTANCE'.
ASSIGN cv_value->* TO <lv_distance>.
" Original value as a string IV_SOURCE
<lv_distance> = 77777.
Standard methods
Probably many SAP developers know about CALL FUNCTION 'ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE'
for import from Excel
and cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload( filetype = 'DAT' )
for import from CSV.
But these methods have several limitations:
works by OLE (there are problems when copying a large amount of data)- Both work only with Presentation Server
- There is no error handling in the file and data mapping (Which column should go where)
Implementation features
Class ZCL_EUI_FILE_IO inherits from ZCL_EUI_FILE. And everything that a parent can do.
For Excel, the CL_FDT_XL_SPREADSHEET class is used (available from 7.02). Which is devoid of problems with OLE.
CSV in turn supports different characters for data separation and different encodings
- Error handling in the file (date or number has the wrong format) occurs using the MAPPING_ERROR event
In the callback, you can handle the error and change the value itself
- In the mapping table, you can specify column_name or column_index
Mapping itself is optional. If it is not specified, it will match the internal table that passed, the first column of the ITAB is column A, second B, etc.
" Field of internal table
field TYPE fieldname,
" Convenient for Excel
column_name TYPE char3,
" More convenient for CSV. Could be filled automatically
column_index TYPE i,
Since this class inherits from ZCL_EUI_FILE, its methods are available to it.
This makes it possible to write chains as in the parent
For loading from a file, the chain may look as follows
" If you specify the file extension 'xlsx' or 'csv', the save(open) dialogs
" and the EXPORT_TO_ITAB method will be immediately configured
" You can also pass XSTRING to the constructor
new ZCL_EUI_FILE( IV_FILE_NAME = 'xlsx' )->
" This step can be replaced by data loading from any source
" Import itself with an error handler
EXPORT_TO_ITAB( io_handler = me)
Import from the internal table (or export to a file) works like a simple report
For more complex reports, it is better to use
TODO Export multiple internal tables to 1 file without specifying a template (For debug)