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Previously, absolutely all transmitted data had to be formed in advance and passed to the xtt-> merge( ) method. And sometimes there is quite a lot of such data. In order to reduce the amount of data transferred in example №130, the addition ;cond= is introduced, which allows you to write simple ABAP COND #( ) expressions. For example, if you need to display the maximum of the fields A and B in the R structure, you can write in the template{R;cond=WHEN value-A gt value-B THEN value-A ELSE value-B } without creating a 3rd field in R. For brevity, the expression can be written like this {R:WHEN v-A gt value-B THEN v-A ELSE v-B}.

But what if the expression contains a lot of WHEN-THEN pairs, or is it problematic to write it on one line? To improve the reading of the template, the ability to call a method with passing parameters to it has been introduced.

Implicit parameter passing

To call a method in a template, you can use the addition ;call =, the object itself whose methods will be called is passed in the merge method


There is no need to specify the transfer of the structure R in the template


It is passed implicitly, by the name IS_ROOT

                  is_root TYPE ts_root "<--- is passed implicitly
        RETURNING VALUE (rv_text) TYPE string,


  METHOD get_fullname.
    rv_text = to_upper (| {is_root-first_name} {is_root-last_name} {is_root-middle_name} |).

Short form

So that, as in the case of replacing ;cond = with :, you can replace;call= with one symbol @


Passing parameters explicitly

If you don’t need to pass the entire structure, you can pass the parameter explicitly via value-FIELD (for ;call=) or v-FIELD (for @)


The method has the following signature

         "is_root TYPE ts_flight_info <- no need. Pass v-FLDATE explicitly
         iv_date TYPE d
         iv_lang TYPE sylangu DEFAULT sy-langu
       RETURNING VALUE (rv_text) TYPE string.

Note that the type (by default STRING) as opposed to;cond= in the cell {R-T:sy-tabix;type=integer} is not required. Since the type for rv_text is determined dynamically

Result in two languages: image


Displaying dates through a function is demonstrative in nature. When using Excel, it is better to use the ABAP D date type, and set the format in the cell itself (Ctrl + 1)



For universal display of dates in Pdf & Word, often you can use ;cond= with COUNTRY addition

